Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Man-Cave:The John Barbers, Legaspi Village, Makati Philippines

Welcome to my man cave..

When I was about 4 years old, my father and I would have this every second Saturday ritual. He would take me to the Majestic Barbershop on UN Avenue just around the corner from the old Shelbourne Hotel. If I was lucky (or well behaved) he would even take me to watch a movie. So that did not happen that often. Oddly, I got more excitement about our  bi-weekly treks to the barbers than I would the movies. During my childhood, it was my own time with him where I had him all to myself.

There is something very nostalgic about visiting a barber that spells old world wonder. I remember my father telling me that our Majestic Barber (I forget his name) was the same barber that cut my grandfather's, my father's and my hair. Many years later after Majestic closed down, I would visit the same barber at another place in Makati.

Well, it's a brave new world and and we are seeing the resurgence of old school barbershops. The design is done in an art deco look with a heavy use of dark stained wood and stainless steel elements. The place could double as a Pan-Am airline lounge. 

For me, it hits all the marks with a few bonuses added in like Free Wifi !! 

The Chairs

Each chair has USB ports and power outlets for charging your electronic devices. The mirror has a built-in LCD TV with cable.

Old school tools (aside from the remote)

Massage/Nap room

Shower room


How barbaric???

I suppose in a few years someone will read this and think "how barbaric"? But for the moment this is as good as it gets, my perfect man-cave, I will be there every chance I get. 

Did I mention free wifi?

Located in the Sommerset Hotel, 112 Aguirre Street, Legaspi Village Makati City

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